Bourne states that there were about 160 Indigenous people living along the Mousam River in the 1720's.
"The whole number who lived in this town was about one hundred and sixty. They were not of the same tribe. The king of one part of them lived on Great Hill. His name was Tom Wawa. The chief personage of the others, of what rank I do not know, was Captain Jo, who lived in one of the wigwams on Mousam river. These wigwams were not their constant places of abode. It is well known that during the colder part of the season, the Indians retired to the interior of the country. A portion of them spent the winter at Pigwacket [aka Pequawket, near the headwaters of the Saco River/Fryeburg], some of them at Norridgewock [in central Maine, on the Kennebec River], others went as far as Canada. Those who have survived until within a few years could recount the names of all of the Indians who lived within their neighborhood, with as much familiarity and certainty as those of their own kinsmen and friends." - Bourne, pp. 47-48
Bourne states (above) that there were about one hundred and sixty Indigenous people living near the Mousam circa 1725. Four of them are referred to by name: Wahwa, Captain Jo, Ambereuse and Agawamum. The others are apparently now unknown, though Bourne notes that in that time and for years after, many European settlers would have known them as neighbors and by name.
"They were here a large part of the warmer seasons, living and having their homes among the settlers. Some of them dwelt on the north side of Gooch's creek, near where the road now passes; here were about twenty wigwams. Another community of six or seven wigwams lived on Great Hill and Grandfather's neck, and a third, a small distance below Larabee's fort, where there were three or four wigwams. These structures were made of small sticks of wood about twelve feet long, standing upon or driven into the ground, in a circular form, inclining inward at the top, leaving only a small space for the escape of the smoke, and covered with brush, clay, skins or anything else attainable, to make them tight and warm. The whole Indian population in Wells was about one hundred and sixty; they were of different tribes, according to the divisions made by ethnologists, but classed under the general name of Abnekis [sic]. Whether they were of the Saco, Piqwacket, Kennebec, Penobscot, Norridgewock, or some other classification, we cannot determine. In ancient times, the people here were not accustomed to make any distinctions; they were all Indians, or savages. Tom Wawa, or Wahaunay, was the leading Sagamore, having his home on Great Hill. The inhabitants called him the king; he was well known to the whites; entered freely into conversations; visited their houses, and was well acquainted with their various employments and habits of life; and thus gathered all the information necessary to aid him in any subsequent raids upon them. He was not the Hopewood, as some may have supposed, who died long before this time, for he lived serveral years after the Lovewell fight, in which he was second in command. Like most of the Indians who dwelt among the English, he was addicted to the free use of intoxicating liquors; and while savage by nature, he was made much more so by its frequent use. He was in the habit of beastly intoxication, as were all the Indians then commorant in this vicinity." - Bourne, pp. 326-7 [Note that Bourne's description continues for several additional pages.]
Ancient History of Kennebunk, Written in 1831 - Edward E. Bourne