The Database for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Wells, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel


Enslaver: John Wells, John Wells Jr., Hannah Goodwin

Status (enslaved, free or both): enslaved

Town: Wells

Known dates: 1748, 1749

An unknown "Negro man" was enslaved by John Wells and left in his estate to his son John Wells and daughter Hannah Goodwin.

The 1748 will of John Wells had no specific mention of servants. It just stated "I give and bequeath unto my said son John Wells and my said daughter Hannah Goodwin ... every part and parcel of my estate, real and personal, of what name, nature or kind soever it be, not otherwise disposed of, to be equally divided between them." However the subsequent 1749 probate record includes "a Negro man, at £100."

Any record of how this estate was "equally divided" has not been located.


Genealogy of the Wells Family of Wells, Maine - Charles K. Wells (1874)

Maine Probate Abstracts Vol I 1687-1775 - John Eldridge Frost (1991)

The Will of John Wells - 1748

servants are not specifically mentioned in the will

Icon for /Unknown11/The Will of John Wells of Wells - 1748.pdf

John Wells probate abstract - 1749

'a Negro man at L100

Icon for /Unknown11/John Wells probate abstract.jpg
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