The Database for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Wells, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel

Thomas Manuel

Status (enslaved, free or both): free

Town: Arundel, Kennebunkport

Known dates: 1820, 1830

The last entry under "M" in the 1830 Kennebunkport census lists 9 "Free Colored Persons" in the family of Thomas Manuel, including one male 55+, one female 55+, 2 children 24-36, 2 children 10-24, and 3 children less than 10 years old. It also states that one member of the family was blind.

The 8 other members of Thomas Manuel's family do not have individual entries in this database; they are only included in this entry.

The last entry on the 1820 Arundel census lists Thomas Manuel without any totals in the visible columsn for white persons. The right hand page that would show "Free Colored Persons" is missing, so the # of people in his household in 1820 is unknown.


1820 US Census for Arundel

1830 US Census for Kennebunkport

1820 Arundel census - Thomas Manuel

lists no 'Free White' persons in the family of Thomas Manuel

Icon for /ThomasManuel/Thomas Manuel - 1820 Arundel census.jpg

1830 Kennebunkport census - Thomas Manuel (1 of 2)

lists 9 'Free Colored Persons' in the family of Thomas Manuel

Icon for /ThomasManuel/1830 Kennebunkport census - Thomas Manuel (1 of 2).jpg

1830 Kennebunkport census - Thomas Manuel (2 of 2)

lists 9 'Free Colored Persons' in the family of Thomas Manuel

Icon for /ThomasManuel/1830 Kennebunkport census - Thomas Manuel (2 of 2).jpg
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Brick Store Museum 117 Main Street, Kennebunk, ME 04043