"Old Tom" was a well known local fiddler for over 50 years. In his later years, he lived in the Ridge Community.
"Capt. James Littlefield had several slaves: Scipio, Sharper, Dinah and Tom. Tom married Phillis, but soon after died. She then married Prime. Prime died. She then took Old Tom. Old Tom! We shall never see his like again. Many who have lived in the last half century will remember him. Some are still living, who in olden time danced away a happy hour, enlivened by the same old tune, which for more than fifty years he was wont to grind out from that same old fiddle. They cannot forget his gentle, manly deportment, his meek and kind spirit. Who ever turned Old Tom from his door without endeavoring to meet his wants? We of Kennebunk well remember him in the house of God, separated from his fellow-men in his lone seat, though far above all the other worshippers, emblematical, perhaps, in the wisdom of God, though not so designed by the pride of man, or his more exalted seat in the mansions of the blest. As his face far outshone those of his white brethren on earth, so may it now be encircled with a more distinguished glory in Heaven. Old Tom! While his memory remains, nothing but good will ever be associated with his name.
"Before the close of the last century, the few slaves that remained, having been emancipated, were gathered together on Negro Hill in front of the house of Nathaniel Bragdon. Here were three or four houses. Old Tom and Phillis occupied one. Many kind and charitable friends were wont to visit him. His conjugal relations with Phillis were of a genial and sympathetic character. Her death was a severe blow to him. At her funeral he told Mr. Fletcher, the minister, that he should never get such another. He was then about eighty years of age. He afterwards took old Peg. But she had not the gracious, mild and courteous spirit which he needed; and he was made thereby to feel more deeply the loss of Phillis. Not long after her death - after his marriage to Pegg - some ladies of the village called to see him. Pegg told him to go and get his fiddle to amuse the young folks. But Tom said no, Phillis has been dead so little while he could not play. But Pegg insisted and commanded. He was obliged to submit; got his fiddle, played, and Pegg danced three-quarters of an hour. He died in 18--, supposed to be a hundred years old. Rev. Mr. Wells who performed the funeral services, delivered a very interesting and pathetic address on the occasion.
"As was said of Old Tom, the slaves in church were seated by themselves. They were generally kept apart from the white men, in their joys, their sorrows, their sympathies and their worship. On the eastern end of the old meeting-house was a large porch two stories high. There, in the upper story, nearly all of them used to sit during service. The churches generally in those days had similar accommodations for the negroes, although some few were in the habit of sitting on the step of the pew door, the pews then being elevated above the aisles, and requiring this step for their convenient entrance." - Bourne, pp. 409-410
"Thomas Bassett & Silpah Swain both of Kennebunk intend Marriage - May 28, 1825" in Town of Kennebunk Births, Deaths and Marriages (1729-1892)
"A short distance below Mitchell's, on the south side of the road and perhaps an eighth on a mile therefrom, commences a slight elevation of land which continues for a distance of one-fourth of a mile or more. This has been known for many years as 'N***** Ridge.' It derives its name from the fact that between the years 1790 and 1800 about a dozen blacks, who had been held as slaves by citizens of Wells, were emancipated, erected huts and became permanent residents of this ridge, which had probably been granted to them by the town of Wells. Here were Tom and Phillis(1), Sharper(2), and Hannah Simon, Primas and the younger Phillis, Salem and Peg, Cato, Dinah and others. Probably they obtained a livelihood by making and selling baskets and brooms, raising a few vegetables, jobbing for persons in the neighboring villages and by successful appeals to the benevolent. There are a number of graves on the Ridge, indicating that these servants found their final earthly resting places. These little mounds are the only vestiges of this settlement. The tract of land formerly inhabited by these manumitted blacks is now covered with trees and bushes. Thomas Bassett, or 'Old Tom' as he was called, was the last survivor of this colony. With Phillis, for many years, he was contented and happy, but Phillis dies and Peg was a widow; the range for the selection of another helpmate was narrowed down so that he must lead a life of loneliness or take Peg for the partner of his joys and sorrows. It is said that after this matrimonial connection he was no longer lonely. Peg was a spitfire, noisy and uneasy, and when, a few years later, she died, Tom could not but feel that her rest beneath the sod secured to him peace and comfort above it.
"'Old Tom' was a quiet, inoffensive person. The birch brooms with which he supplied the housewives of his time, in this vicinity, were very popular for rough work; they were somewhat heavy, but strongly and neatly made. He was kindly treated by every one. To the salutation, 'How do you do, Tom?' his invariable answer was, 'I don' no, sar, een'a'most as well as I can.' 'How is Phillis?' 'Well, sar, she tries to do about as well as she can.' He was a regular attendant at church, and to the best of his ability performed his whole duty to God and man. But we must not neglect to record the fact that Tom was an artist; he was the possessor of a fiddle and could play half a dozen dancing tunes thereon. His services were frequently in request at social dances and at huskings; at all the old-time General Musters, in 'all the region roundabout,' he was present and always well patronized; young folks from the village occasionally visited his hut, and, aided by his artistic efforts, enjoyed a regular 'breakdown' on the greensward. When his last sickness came he was well card for by a white nurse. It is believed that he was fully one hundred years old when he died, June 8, 1831. Rev. Mr. Wells attended his funeral; his remarks on this occasion were exceedingly appropriate. The ladies in the neighborhood were present, but not men enough to convey his coffin to the grave without the assistance of Mr. Wells.
"With his decease the race became extinct in this town and, we think, there has not been a colored family who remained as permanent residents since. Richard Hill, a black man, resided on a lot opposite the Ridge before the existence of the colony above-named. A negro woman, 'Chance,' had also a cabin very near to Hill's." - Remich, p.108
The History of Wells and Kennebunk from the Earliest Settlement to the Year 1820 - by Edward Bourne (1875)
History of Kennebunk from its Earliest Settlement to 1890 - by Daniel Remich (1911)
1800 and 1810 US Census for Wells
1830 US Census for Kennebunk
Kennebunk Births, Deaths and Marriages (1729-1892)