The Database for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Wells, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel


Other names: Solowen

Status (enslaved, free or both): free

Known dates: 1649, 1661

"Warrabita and Skitterygusset are well known to historians, but their lesser known sibling Sagettawon (or Segatowe) is crucial to understanding the tribal landholding patterns of the region, for he married and lived outside of the family territory at Casco Bay....In February 1661, 'Segeweha' and his wife witnessed another record, the confirmation of an earlier sale from Sosowen to several English settlers of four square miles along the coast near Cape Porpus. [footnote 44: Confirmation of deed by Flewellin, 16 February 1660, York Deeds 1, 1887: 107-9] His appearance in these deeds, ... and the description of him in 1675 as 'an Indian of Saco' indicates that Sagettawon had spent his married life among his wife's people, near the mouth of the Saco and in the Kennebunks." Baker, p. 85

"Fluellen was the only son of Sosowen, or Solowen, sagamore of Cape Porpus, who had sold land there before 1652 to John Sanders, John Bus and Peter Turbett. The Sosowen deed had been witnessed by Sagettawon and is wife. (fn 48: Solowen to John Saunders, John Bush, and Peter Turbett, York Deeds 1, 1887: 132)" - Baker, p. 87

"Fluellin was definitely related to the Indians south of the Saco River. His father was Sosowen, the sachem of Cape Porpus, several miles east of the Kennebunk River. He links the people of the lower Saco not only to Kennebunk, but also to Wells, for Fluellin's 1661 confirmation of his father's deed was witnessed by Sagettewon and his wife (presumably Nell, sister of Thomas Chabinock, sagamore of Wells and Ogunquit)." - Baker, p. 88


The History of Wells and Kennebunk from the Earliest Settlement to the Year 1820 - by Edward Bourne (1875)

Collections of the Maine Historical Society, Volume 1 (1865)

Finding the Almouchiquois: Native American Families, Territories and Land Sales in Southern Maine - Emerson W. Baker (2004), as published in Ethnohistory 151:1 Winter 2004, from the collections of the Maine Historical Society

Thomas Chabinocke - 1649 deed to John Wadleigh

the property known as Nampscoscoke

Icon for /Sosowen/Thomas Chabinocke - 1649 deed to John Wadleigh compressed 2.pdf

Chart showing Wells Sagamores

from 'Finding the Almouchiquois' by Emerson Baker

Icon for /Sosowen/Chart showing Wells Sagamores.jpg
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