The Database for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Wells, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel

Sippio Ware

Other names: Sipio Wire, Sipio Wyer, Sipio Weare, landowner

Status (enslaved, free or both): free

Town: Arundel (Kennebunkport)

Known dates: 1810, 1837

Sippio Ware was listed in the Arundel census for 1810 with a family of 4. He owned land in Kennebunkport that was sold in 1837.

In the 1810 census for Arundel, Sipio Wire with a family of 4 is listed under "All other persons except Indians not taxed" (and showing the total of 11 for the town of Arundel). He may have been related to Sherman Wise who was listed in the 1810 censue for Wells. Both entries appear to be in the same handwriting, and appear as "Wire."

"On October 17, 1813, James Avery of Waterboro, son of Peter, married Eleanor 'Nellie' Wire (spelled variously Weare, Wyer, Ware, Wire) of Arundel. The Wares had deep roots in the Arundel/Kennebunkport area, having previously lived in York. Eleanor was apparently a member of the Sippio Ware family, as she joined in a deed selling Sippio Ware's land in Kennebunkport in 1837." - Price & Talbot, p. 38


1810 US Census for Arundel

Maine's Visible Black History - by H. H. Price and Gerald E. Talbot (2006)

1810 Arundel census - Sipio Wise

Sipio Wire is listed with a family of 4 under 'All other persons except Indians not taxed'

Icon for /SippioWare/1810 Arundel census - Sipio Wise.jpg
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