The Database for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Wells, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel

Capt. Simon Jefferds

Other names: Capt. Simon Jefferds

Relationship to POC: enslaver

Status (enslaved, free or both): free

Town: Wells

Known dates: 1763

Capt. Simon Jefferds (1736-1801) inherited a "Negro boy named Ashur" from his mother, Sarah (Wheelwright) Jefferds, in 1763.

Sarah Jefferds' 1762 probate record abstract notes "a Negro boy at £40." Her 1763 probate abstract notes "Acct includes Negro boy named Ashur appraised in inventory (£40) but conveyed to Capt. Simon Jefferds by a deed of the intestate (Sarah Jefferds' estate discharged from the Negro Ashur)."

Capt. Simon Jefferds was a son of Sarah and the Rev. Samuel Jefferds, and was the younger brother of Capt. Samuel Jefferds. His brother, Capt. Samuel Jefferds, built and founded Jefferds Tavern in 1754, though it was Capt. Samuel Jefferds' son, William, who took over tavern and ran it for many years.


Maine Probate Abstracts Vol I 1687-1775 - John Eldridge Frost (1991)

Sarah Jefferds 1762 probate abstract

'a Negro boy at L40'

Icon for /SimonJefferds/Sarah Jefferds 1762 probate abstract.jpg

Sarah Jefferds 1763 probate abstract

'Negro boy named Ashur appraised in inventory (L40) but conveyed to Capt. Simon Jefferds by a deed of the intestate'

Icon for /SimonJefferds/Sarah Jefferds 1763 probate abstract.jpg
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