The Database for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Wells, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel


Enslaver: Mary Hill

Status (enslaved, free or both): enslaved

Town: Wells

Known dates: 1776, 1790

Sharper was enslaved by Mary Hill and, in 1776, married Dinah, who was enslaved by Elizabeth Storer.

"Sharper Negro servant to widow Mary Hill and Dinah Negro servant to widow Elizabeth Storer their intentions of marriage were entered the 29th of March 1776."

In the 1790 US Census for Wells, Mary Hill is listed as the head of household for one "all other free person." The Sharper who was Mary Hill's "servant" in 1776 may be this free person who was residing with her in 1790.

Bourne (p. 450) mentions that in 1769, a pew in the "new meeting house" was ranked for "Mary Hill, wife of Jonathan Hill, Esq." This may be the same Mary Hill who was a widow with servant Sharper in 1776.

Is this widow Mary Hill related (directly or by marriage) to Joseph, his wife Sarah, and their son Nathaniel Hill? If so, then her "servant" Sharper may possibly be the same man who was enslaved and left by Jos Hill to his wife Sarah in 1742, and who was married to Hannah Simonds that same year.

"Joshua [Gray in his diary] also noted that on 30 April 1820, he "saw old Sharper die." Joshua often stayed with ill and dying neighbors, as was the custom of the times." - Shelley, p.154. This may be the same Sharper "servant" to Mary Hill in this record who married Dinah in 1776, and was also possibly residing with Mary Hill in 1790.


The History of Wells and Kennebunk from the Earliest Settlement to the Year 1820 - by Edward Bourne (1875)

My Name is Wells - by Hope M. Shelley (2002)

Maine Vital Records, 1670-1921

1790 US Census for Wells

Sharper marriage to Dinah - 1776

'Sharper Negro servant to widow Mary Hill'

Icon for /Sharper2/Sharper marriage to Dinah - 1776.jpg

1790 Wells census - Mary Hill

Mary Hill is listed as the head of household with one 'all other free persons.'

Icon for /Sharper2/1790 Wells census - Mary Hill.jpg
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