Sarah Jefferds (1706-1762) inherited "a Negro boy named Asher" from her mother, Mary Wheelwright in 1750, and may have also inherited Pegg. She was the wife of Reverend Samuel Jefferds (1703-1752).
Sarah was the daughter of John and Mary Wheelwright. She married the Reverend Samuel Jefferds in 1727, who had been engaged as minister for Wells in 1725.
"During the ministry of Mr. Jefferds, he baptized 484 males and 451 females." - Bourne, p. 364. Thus, he would have baptized the many people of color who were baptized in Wells between 1725 and 1752. No records have been located that would indicate whether of not the Reverend Samuel Jefferds was an enslaver.
In her 1750 will (which was probated in 1755), Mary Wheelwright states, "I will & give unto my beloved Daughter Sarah Jefferds a Negro Boy named Asher."
In her 1750 will, Mary also stated "my Negro Servant Woman named Pegg shall be divided to Such of my aforesd Daughters or grand Daughters which she shall choose to live with after my Decease." The aforesaid daughters and granddaughters were "Daughters Mary Moody & Sarah Jefferds, and my three beloved Grand Daughters, the Daughters of my dear deceased Daughter Hannah Plaisted, and my four beloved Grand Daughters the Daughters of my dear decd Daughter Elizabeth Newmarch." Records have not been located that would indicate which of Mary's daughters or granddaughters subsequently enslaved Pegg.
Sarah Jefferds' 1762 probate record abstract notes "a Negro boy at £40." Her 1763 probate abstract notes "Acct includes Negro boy named Ashur appraised in inventory (£40) but conveyed to Capt. Simon Jefferds by a deed of the intestate (Sarah Jefferds' estate discharged from the Negro Ashur)." Capt. Simon was one of her sons. His older brother, Capt. Samuel, built and founded the Jefferds Tavern in 1754 (per Shelley, p. 75), which was carried on by his son William.
Sarah's husband, the Rev. Samuel Jefferds, died 2/1/1752. His estate inventory dated 1/2/1753 had no mention of any "servants." Sarah lived another ten years. On 7/13/62, five months after Sarah's 2/14/1762 death, separate estate inventories were filed for both Sarah and her late husband. Apparently, his estate was still accounted for separately even though he did died 10 years prior. Ten months later on 5/17/1763, an inventory was filed for the joint estate of Samuel and Sarah. The Negro boy Asher is mentioned in Sarah's 7/13/1762 filing and the 5/17/1763 joint filing. He is not mentioned in the 1/2/1753 or 7/13/1762 filings for Samuel.
The History of Wells and Kennebunk from the Earliest Settlement to the Year 1820 - by Edward Bourne (1875)
York County Registry of Probate
Maine Probate Abstracts Vol I 1687-1775 - John Eldridge Frost (1991)
My Name is Wells - by Hope M. Shelley (2002)