The Database for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Wells, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel


Enslaver: John Wheelwright

Status (enslaved, free or both): enslaved

Town: Wells

Known dates: 1708

Sambo, sent in search of missing cattle, was captured by Indians, but outwitted them and returned home.

"[John] Wheelright had a good many cows; these were sent to pasture a small distance from home; and to save trouble and exposure in going for them at night, the gate was left open, so that they could return of their own accord; but on going to the yard in the evening, they were found not there. No attempt was made to find them till morning, when Wheelright, finding that they had not returned, ordered his slave, by the name of Sambo, to look them up. Some of the company were confident that the detention of the cows was the work of the Indians; but Wheelright replied that there were no Indians within fifteen miles. Much confidence was reposed in this opinion; he was, however, deceived in his calculations. The enemy had been in the pasture, and knowing that some one would come after the cows at night, had closed the gate, hoping to secure a prisoner. According to orders, Sambo went in search of the cattle; but he had no sooner reached the gate, than he fell into the hands of the Indians. They had three other prisoners, and started at once toward Canada. Sambo was loaded down very heavily by the traps which they carried with them, all being put on his shoulders. It was a sad hour in which he was thus cut off from a return to Massa Wheelright; and the thought of traveling to Canada with such a burden did not impress him very favorably. The Indians, too, has an inveterate hatred of the negro, and his life, he knew, would not be very precious in their sight; but to help him a little, the Indians provided him with a good pair of moccasins. Thus invested, he traveled off with the company in the direction of the Mousam mill. He kept up pretty well, but not having much sympathy with his companions, or very lively anticipations of a visit to Canada, his thoughts were rather more personable that companionable. His wits had been sharpened by the experiences of life, and he was revolving in his mind some scheme for severing the forced connection between him and his red masters. He traveled along very patiently, till they were about coming to the Mousam river, when, being apparently somewhat fatigued, he lagged a little. Under the burdens which he had upon him, the Indians had no apprehensions of his attempting an escape; they set fire to the saw-mill, and went on their way till dark, when Sambo, being somewhat in the rear, suddenly dropped his burden, and with 'consummate skill,' though without much regard to prescribed tactics, beat a hasty retreat. Having run about a mile, he climbed a tree, and concealing himself among its branches, there awaited further developments. The Indians were soon in pursuit, and passed the tree, but in a little while came back again, without having seen him. Sambo, knowing too well the danger of immediately trusting himself again to the race, remained ensconced in the top of the tree till morning light, when, feeling assured that the Indians would not dare to remain longer in the neighborhood, he left his hiding place and returned to the garrison. Stepping up to Wheelright, he lifted his foot, and, in answer to his ejaculation, 'Sambo! Where did you come from?' replied, that he had had a new master, who had made him a present of the moccasins, which he thought was pretty good pay for his day's adventure." - Bourne, pp. 276-78. Note: Bourne's context for this excerpt appears to convey that this event occured in 1708.


The History of Wells and Kennebunk from the Earliest Settlement to the Year 1820 - by Edward Bourne (1875)

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