Nell and her husband Sasagohaway were signatories to an agreement in which Sagamore Thomas Chabinocke left his rights in the property known as Nampscoscoke after his death to John Wadleigh of Wells.
Edward Bourne recounts that in 1649, an agreement was signed by various parties by which "Sagimore Thomas Chabinocke, of Nampscoscoke, by virtue of his last will and testament, had given and bequeathe ... unto John Wadleigh of Wells, to him, his heirs and successors, and that forever, of his own accord, and with the consent of his mother, Ramanascho, to whom the said Wadleigh has given a consideration, .... to be inherited presently after the death of said Sagamore, all that the Sagamore, with his whole right, title, and interest, called by the name of Nampscoscoke, bounded between Nogimcoth and Kennebunk, and up as high as Cape Porpoise Falls, and the same, with all the profits, commodities and appurtenances, against all men to warrant and defend." - Bourne, pp. 21-22
"Warrabita and Skitterygusset are well known to historians, but their lesser known sibling Sagettawon (or Segatowe) is crucial to understanding the tribal landholding patterns of the region, for he married and lived outside of the family territory at Casco Bay....In February 1661, 'Segeweha' and his wife witnessed another record, the confirmation of an earlier sale from Sosowen to several English settlers of four square miles along the coast near Cape Porpus. [footnote 44: Confirmation of deed by Flewellin, 16 February 1660, York Deeds 1, 1887: 107-9] His appearance in these deeds, ... and the description of him in 1675 as 'an Indian of Saco' indicates that Sagettawon had spent his married life among his wife's people, near the mouth of the Saco and in the Kennebunks." Baker, p. 85
"Sagettawon married a daughter of the sachem of Wells and Kennebunk and witnessed deeds near where he lived on the lower Saco." - Baker, p. 86
The History of Wells and Kennebunk from the Earliest Settlement to the Year 1820 - by Edward Bourne (1875)
Collections of the Maine Historical Society, Volume 1 (1865)
Finding the Almouchiquois: Native American Families, Territories and Land Sales in Southern Maine - Emerson W. Baker (2004), as published in Ethnohistory 151:1 Winter 2004, from the collections of the Maine Historical Society