Mary Wheelwright (1668-1755) was the wife of Col. John Wheelwright (~1664-1745). He left her all his "negro and molatto servants." She in turn left "my Negro Servant woman named Pegg" and "a Negro boy named Asher" in her estate.
"Dinah, a Molatto, brought by John and Mary Wheelwright" was baptized as an infant on June 28, 1741 in the First Church of Wells. The heading states that it is "A Record of Infant Females baptized in the Church at Wells, being brought thereunto by such as were not their Parents, but who have taken the Charge of them." - as transcribed in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register
"The will of Col. John Wheelright of Wells, so prominent in the early part of our history, and a worthy member of the Christian church, who died in 1745, contains this item: "In consideration of the love and affection I bear to my beloved wife, I give her all my cattle, and creatures of all kinds, negro or molatto servants." - Bourne, p. 408
In his will, Wheelwright left to his wife Mary "all my personal Estate as Household Goods Stock of Cattle and Creatures of all Kinds Negro or Molatto Servants." Sambo (see record for Col. John Wheelwright) may have been one of the "servants" left to Mary. Andrew, Pegg and their children may also have been among the "servants" left to Mary.
In her 1750 will, Mary stated "my Negro Servant Woman named Pegg shall be divided to Such of my aforesd Daughters or grand Daughters which she shall choose to live with after my Decease." Probate was recorded in 1755. The aforesaid daughters and granddaughters were "Daughters Mary Moody & Sarah Jefferds, and my three beloved Grand Daughters, the Daughters of my dear deceased Daughter Hannah Plaisted, and my four beloved Grand Daughters the Daughters of my dear decd Daughter Elizabeth Newmarch." She also states, "I will & give unto my beloved Daughter Sarah Jefferds a Negro Boy named Asher."
Andrew, Pegg and their children may also have been among the "servants" left to Mary.
The History of Wells and Kennebunk from the Earliest Settlement to the Year 1820 - by Edward Bourne (1875)
York County Probate Records, Volume Six (1736-1746)
Records of the First Church of Wells, as transcribed in 6 issues of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol 75-76, 1921-22