"Josiah Littlefield owned one [enslaved person], Will Morgage." - Bourne, p. 408
The Wells Town records has this entry: "Cato Negro servant to Mr Josiah Littlefield and Molly Shepperd Molatto woman, both of Wells, their intention or marriage was entered the 20th day of April, 1755."
It is assumed here that the Josiah Littlefield that Bourne said owned Will Morgage, and the Josiah Littlefield who had a "servant" named Cato are the same individual, but this is not confirmed.
This Cato may possibly also be the same individual as a Cato who was enslaved by Francis Littlefield of Wells and was arrested for theft in Kittery in 1738. This has not been assumed here, and a separate entry has been made for the Cato enslaved by Francis Littlefield.
The History of Wells and Kennebunk from the Earliest Settlement to the Year 1820 - by Edward Bourne (1875)
Town Records of Wells