The Database for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Wells, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel

Joseph A Titcomb

Status (enslaved, free or both): free

Town: Kennebunkport

Known dates: 1900

The 1900 Census for Kennebunkport lists Joseph Titcomb as 65, occ: Capitalist, POB: MA, residing with his wife Frances, age 61, daughter Elizabeth, age 22, and a boarder, Dr. Julia C. Leon, Black, F, 72, single, POB: Cuba

Since she was born in Cuba circa 1828, and slavery did not end there until 1886, Dr. Leon may have been enslaved in her youth.


1900 US Census for Kennebunkport

Joseph Titcomb - 1900 Kennebunkport census

Joseph Titcomb had a 'Black' doctor, Julia Leon, residing with him

Icon for /JosephATitcomb/Leon + Titcomb - 1900 census.jpg
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