The Database for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Wells, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel


Enslaver: Sarah Hill, William Sayer

Status (enslaved, free or both): enslaved

Known dates: 1768

Sarah Hill left "a Negro servant John" to her grandson William Sayer in her 1768 will.

"Sarah Hill of Wells, widow, devises, 28 Oct 1768: after debts and funeral charges are paid, to my grandson William Sayer of Wells, my executor, my Negro servant John & all the remainder of my estate real & personal." - Frost, p. 637

From the Last Will & Testament of Sarah Hill of Wells dated 10/28/1768: "I give to my grandson William Sayer of Wells my Negro servant John." It is unclear whether this Sarah Hill was related to, or is possibly even the same individual, as the Sarah Hill, wife of Joseph Hill, who inherited Tom and Sharper from her husband in 1742 or 1743.


York County Registry of Probate

Maine Probate Abstracts Vol I 1687-1775 - John Eldridge Frost (1991)

Sarah Hill 1768 will

cover page

Icon for /John/Sarah Hill will - 1.jpg

Sarah Hill 1768 will

'I give to my grandson William Sayer of Wells my Negro servant John'

Icon for /John/Sarah Hill will - 2.jpg

Sarah Hill 1768 probate abstract

'to my grandson William Sayer of Wells ... my Negro servant John'

Icon for /John/Sarah Hill probate abstract.jpg
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