The Database for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Wells, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel

Jacob Perkins

Relationship to POC: unknown

Status (enslaved, free or both): free

Known dates: circa 1730

A "Negro man Tom" who was enslaved by Peter Nowell of York was struck with an axe by Jacob Perkins, who was prosecuted for that act. (Since Tom apparently resided in York, he does not have his own entry in this database.)

"Jacob Perkins was also again prosecuted for the very serious offense of striking a negro on the head with an axe; so the ten years of litigation seems to have wrought a very material change in the characters of these combatants." - Bourne, p. 341

"Jacob Perkins of Wells in said County appearing at this Court to answer to complaint of Peter Nowel of York for striking said Nowell's Negro man Tom with an ax on [the] head as [said] Negro was in his peace and about his Master's business to work on [ ] Comons within ye Township of York as [in the] Process he being convict[ed]. Its considered by sd Court that he pay a fine to ye Kings Majesty of Three Shillings and pay cost Eleven Shillings & Stands Committed till performed." - Court record, 1730


The History of Wells and Kennebunk from the Earliest Settlement to the Year 1820 - by Edward Bourne (1875)

Record of the courts, Court of General Sessions of the Peace, Vol 9B, 1730-1733

Jacob Perkins convicted for striking a 'Negro' with an ax

Record of the Courts

Icon for /JacobPerkins/Jacob Perkins - ax assault.jpg
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