The Database for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Wells, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel

George Norton

Relationship to POC: enslaver

Status (enslaved, free or both): free

Known dates: 1685

George Norton filed a complaint at the court in Wells in 1685 against "Peter his Negro" for stealing wool.

"The earliest cases can be found in the Province and Court Records of Maine. In 1685 there was a complaint by George Norton in a court in Wells against 'Peter his Negro for perlyneing his Woll [wool].' Peter was lashed 'at the post on bare skine' the same day the court ordered the punishment." - Price and Talbot, pp. 269-70

"George Norton makes Complaynt against Peter his Negro for perloyneing his Woll, unto Edw: Rishworth one of his Majestys Justs: of this province Febru: 16, 1685: And Geo: Norton Complayns against Saraih the wife of John Penwill for receiveing of a parcell of sheeps Woll from Peter sd Nortons Negro, which hee tould his Master & others that hee left with Saraih Penwill, as hee sayd, in her husbands house, which afterwards, being Called & examined before authority sd negro denied, for which he was ordered to receive seaven lashes at the poast [------] bare skine, which by Thomas Harrice the pryson keeper were same day given him." - Province and Court Records of Maine - Volume 3, p. 226


Maine's Visible Black History - H. H. Price and Gerald E. Talbot (2006)

Province and Court Records of Maine - Volume 3 (1680-1692) - Portland Historical Society (1947)

George Norton complaint against 'Peter his Negro' for theft of wool

Province and court records of Maine - Vol 3

Icon for /GeorgeNorton/George Norton court complaint.jpg
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