The Database for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Wells, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel

Eunice Sayer Gilman

Other names: Eunice Sawyer Gilman

Relationship to POC: enslaver

Status (enslaved, free or both): free

Town: Wells

Known dates: 1766, 1774, 1775

Eunice Gilman (?-1775) inherited a "Negro girl Phillis" from her father, Dr. Joseph Sayer, and later, left Phillis to her sister, Elizabeth Sayer Gilman.

In his will dated July 12, 1766, Joseph Sayer wrote "to my daughter Eunice ... my Negro girl Philis." According to the abstract, the probate proceeding occurred on April 11, 1774.

"Dr. Sawyer who died in 1774, says in his will, 'I give to my daughter Eunice, one-third part of the schooner Prosperous, also my negro girl Phillis.' Previously he owned two others, Scipio and Sharper." - Bourne, p. 408

In the abstract of the 1775 probate proceeding, it's stated that Eunice Gilman left "to my sister Elizabeth Gilman my Negro girl Phillis & if he be living to my son Ebenezer when he comes of age & if not, then to said sister." - Frost, Vol. II, p.730 Note: Eunice and her sister Elizabeth both married men named Gilman.

Eunice was predeceased by her husband, and his death (apparently) preceded her inheritance of Philis.

Eunice's Will states: "I give unto my dear Sister Elisabeth Gilman my Negro Girl Phillis to live with Her as a Servant and to be kept and cloathed [sic] by Her until my son Ebenezer Gilman arrives to Man's Estate and if He should die in Minority or under Age, I give the said Negro girl Phillis to my said sister Elisabeth Gilman to be Hers & her Heirs forever."

Eunice is buried in Ocean View Cemetery in Wells:

Bartholomew Gilman died in Oct 1773 and is also buried at Ocean View Cemetery:

The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (1853) provides gravestone inscriptions (see jpg). Note that Shelley in My Name is Wells (2002, p. 165) has the same transcription for Eunice's stone, but ending with "Aged 57" rather than "Aged 31."

In 1775, Eunice and Bartholomew Gilman had a son Ebenezer who "was probably brought up by his aunt, the wife of Rev. Tristram Gliman as both of his parents died in his infancy." - The Story of Gilman, p. 76


The History of Wells and Kennebunk from the Earliest Settlement to the Year 1820 - by Edward Bourne (1875)

York County Registry of Probate

Maine Probate Abstracts Vol I 1687-1775 - John Eldridge Frost (1991)

Maine Probate Abstracts Vol II 1775-1800 - John Eldridge Frost (1991)

The Story of the Gilmans - Constance Le Neve Gilman Ames (1950)

Eunice Gilman 1775 will

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Eunice Gilman 1775 will

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Eunice Gilman 1775 will

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Joseph Sayer probate abstract

includes 'my Negro girl Philis'

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Eunice Gilman probate abstract

includes 'my Negro girl Phillis'

Icon for /EuniceSayerGilman/Eunice Gilman probate abstract.jpg
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