The 1900 Census for Kennebunk listed Edwin Parsons as 35, White, with a wife, son and daughter, Vice-President of a railroad, with 7 Black servants, whose occupations were listed as housewife, nurse, cook, laundry woman, stable boy, and 2 coachmen. He was born in NY, while his parents were born in Maine. All of the servants were born in southern states.
His wife, Mary, White, 28, was born in June, 1871, in Georgia. Both of her parents were also born in Georgia.
Also in 1900, George Parsons, 73, was residing in Kennebunk with his wife, two daughters, and 4 White servants, 3 from Ireland and one from NY. His occupation was listed as "Capitalist." The servants' occupations were listed as cook, laundress, chambermaid and governess.
1900 US Census for Kennebunk