The Database for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Wells, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel

Col. Ebenezer Sawyer

Other names: Col. Ebenezer Sayer

Relationship to POC: enslaver

Status (enslaved, free or both): free

Town: Wells

Known dates: 1774

Ebenezer Sawyer (1750-1778) inherited wealth from his father, Joseph Sayer, and enslaved Pomp, who ran away.

"Ebenezer Sawyer owned one [an enslaved person] by the name of Pomp, who was decidedly in advance of the age in which he lived. He changed his name and that of his master, got or forged a counterfeit pass, and ran away Dec, 23, 1774." Bourne, pp. 408-9

Sawyer published a notice offering a reward for the apprehension of Pomp. It stated:

"Ranaway from the Subscriber the evening of the 18th Instant, a NEGRO FELLOW named POMP, a likely well made Fellow, about five Feet and six inches high or better - Had on when went off a brown Broad Cloath Coat, a double breasted Jacket of the same, mix'd colour'd Breeches with silver[?] Thread Buttons, grey Yarn Stockings, Linen Shirt over a Speck'd wollen Shirt, a black silk Handkerchief round his Neck, and a green Cap - Whoever will apprehend said Negro, and bring him to his Master, or secure him in his Majesty's Goal at York shall have FOUR DOLLARS Reward, and all necessary Charges paid by EBENEZER SAYER.

"N.B. Said Negro before his Elopement, procur'd a counterfeit Pass, changing his own Name and his Master's. All Persons are cautioned against being deceived by such Artifice; and all Masters of Vessels and others are caution'd not to harbor, conceal or carry off said Negro, as they would avoid the Penalties of the Law in such Case provided. Wells, Dec. 23, 1774" - New Hampshire Gazette and Historical Chronicle, December 30, 1774, January 6, 1775 and January 13, 1775 editions

There are unusual entries in the 1782 probate record of expenses: two payments were made to Pomp: On 7/9/1778, "cash pd to Pomp a Negro man, 48/ hard money" and on 9/2/1778, "cash paid to Pomp, 36/ hard money." Apparently, Pomp provided some services related to the probate proceedings and was compensated for them.

Bourne provided a biographical passage on Ebenezer, following one on his father Joseph Sayer, that includes "His father had taken great pains and incurred much expense in his education, having sent him to Harvard College, from which he graduated in 1768. In 1775, when only twenty-five years of age, he was chosen to represent the town in the Provincial Congress at Cambridge, and again for the Congress at Watertown. He was also a colonel of the regiment of militia. From all the facts which we have been able to glean of his life, we cannot but infer that he was a man of much promise. Though his father at first was of doubtful loyalty to the growing spirit of the Provinces, the son must have shared in the common sentiment of the people, that the government of the parent country was oppressive in its administration, and this its action must be resisted, otherwise he would not have been invested with these important offices. By his father's will he was made independent, having about ten thousand dollars. His library (unless exceeded by that of Dr. Hemmenway, of which we have been unable to obtain any knowledge) was the largest in Wells....In 1774, he was married to Elizabeth Checkley of Boston. They left no children. In September, 1780, his widow was married to Rev. John Lothrop of Boston." - Bourne, pp. 491-92

There is no statement in Bourne as to his cause of death at the young age of 28. In his will and estate inventory on file in the Registry of Probate in Alfred, there's no mention of Pomp or any "servants."

Ebenezer Sawyer is buried in Ocean View Cemetery in Wells:


The History of Wells and Kennebunk from the Earliest Settlement to the Year 1820 - by Edward Bourne (1875)

NH Gazette and Historical Chronicle, December 30, 1774, January 6, 1775 and January 13, 1775 editions

Maine Probate Abstracts Vol II 1775-1800 - John Eldridge Frost (1991)

York County Registry of Probate

Notice of reward for apprehension of Pomp

New Hampshire Gazette and Historical Chronicle

Icon for /EbenezerSawyer/Pomp ran away from Ebenezer Sayer notice.jpg

Ebenezer Sayer 1782 probate abstract

cites payment to Pomp

Icon for /EbenezerSawyer/Ebenezer Sayer probate abstract.jpg

Ebenezer Sayer estate disbursements

Two payments to Pomp

Icon for /EbenezerSawyer/Ebenezer Sayer estate disbursements.jpg
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