In 1796, Richard Hill, a black landowner, granted to Chance, a Black woman, a road through his land for her to access her home. In the 1800 census, Chance was listed as living with the Ridge Community as head of a family of 6.
On several pages preceding p. 659, Bourne describes how land grants were made to various parties in Wells in the 1790's. On p. 659, he continues: "The petition of Richard Hill, a negro, will not be uninteresting to our readers:
'To the proprietors of lands in the town of Wells. The petition of Richard Hill humbly showeth that he has a piece of common land enclosed in his field, belonging to said proprietors, that would greatly accommodate your petitioner, who is poor but wishes and strives for a honest living among the free born sons of America. Therefore prays that the spirit of benevolence, which so generally dwells within the breast of the proprietors of said town, may burst forth with so much compassion to a poor African, although happy in having a dwelling, poor as it is, in such a community where freedom and happiness reign, as to grant him and his heirs the small and uncultivated tract of barren soil prayed for, which will greatly add to the happiness of your petitioner when he is toiling and sweating to obtain a honest self-support for a numerous family. WELLS, April 11, 1796. Richard X (his mark) Hill
In response to his petition, a grant was made of all that land on the south side of the brook, between the land of Rev. Daniel Little, and the land which he bought of Major Cousens, and the Sanford road, 'reserving a road through for black Chance.' Chance lived on the eastern side of the brook."
"Proprietors granted to Richard Hill (negro) all the 'common land on the south side of the brook, between Mr. Little's land and the land he bought of Major Cousens and the country road as it now goes, leaving a road through for black Chance.'" - Remich, p. 93
"Richard Hill, a black man, resided on a lot opposite the Ridge before the existence of the colony above-named. A negro woman, 'Chance,' had also a cabin very near to Hill's." - Remich, p. 109
Salem, Peter Salem (family of 4), Chance (family of 6), Thomas (family of 2) and Peter York (family of 4) are listed in the 1800 census as residing with or neighbors of John Mitchell. These 17 were residents of the Ridge community.
The History of Wells and Kennebunk from the Earliest Settlement to the Year 1820 - by Edward Bourne (1875)
History of Kennebunk from its Earliest Settlement to 1890 - by Daniel Remich (1911)
1800 US Census for Wells