The Database for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Wells, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel


Other names: Ceasor

Status (enslaved, free or both): unknown

Town: Wells

Known dates: 1775, 1778

A "Negro" named Cesar or Ceasor enlisted in the Continental Army.

Shelley (p. 281) includes "Ceser, Negro" in the list of "Revolutionary War Soldiers, Sailors and Patriots." Presumably, one (if not both) of the two records below are for the same Ceser listed by Shelley.


My Name is Wells - Hope M. Shelley (2002)

Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War - Office of the Secretary of State (1896)

Cesar - Revolutionary War record

Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors

Icon for /Cesar/Cesar - Rev War - Mass Soldiers and Sailors - Vol 3, pp 221.jpg

Caesor - Revolutionary War record

Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors

Icon for /Cesar/Caesor - Rev War - Mass Soldiers and Sailors - Vol 3, pp 218-219.jpg
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