The Database for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Wells, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel

Dr. Antonius Lamy

Other names: Anthony, Antonius Lamb

Status (enslaved, free or both): free

Known dates: 1671-73

Dr. Antonius Lamy practiced in Wells, York and Casco. He was accused of giving a physic that may have caused a man to die. He appears to have been the first medical doctor in Maine.

"Early Health Care Providers - Dr. Antonius Lamy shows up in the Province and Court Records of Maine, Vol. II, York County Court Records, because he was accused of giving a physic that may have caused a man to die. The case has the intrigue of a mystery story because of alleged misplaced romance, blackmail, and devoted patients who came to Lamy's defense. The court record is in 1672, where he is listed as "Anthony a black man." Elsewhere, Lamy is referred to as a Portuguese. Portuguese is sometimes interchangeable with black in describing people of color in early Maine history."

"Lamy (Lamb) practiced in Wells, York, and Casco (Falmouth or Portland) in 1671-73, and there is a court record of his recovering payments for two cures. Lamy disappeared after 1673, when apparently he had been jailed for the alleged fatal physic and the keeper let him go. Whatever the truth is about the murder case, Lamy appears to be the first medical doctor of any race in Maine from the time of colonial occupation." - Price and Talbot, pp, 243-44.

Antonius Lamy is recorded as alternately a plaintiff and a defendant in several court sessions described in the York County Court Records (see linked pdf below).


Maine's Visible Black History - by H. H. Price and Gerald E. Talbot (2006)

York County Court Records, Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1653-1679 - Maine Historical Society (1931)

Antonius Lamy - York County Court Records


Icon for /AntoniusLamy/Antonius Lamy - York County Court Records.pdf
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