The Database for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Wells, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel


Status (enslaved, free or both): free

Town: Wells (Kennebunk) - along the Mousam River

Known dates: 1720s

Our only source for Agawamum is Bourne's Ancient History of Kennebunk. On p. 73: "Among the farmers was Sergeant Stephen Larrabee ... He was a man of great decision of character - bold, resolute, fearless. To him we are, in a considerable degree, to attribute the permanency of the settlement by his father William Larrabee ... The Indians considered him as their most dangerous enemy....There was one of the tribe who lived just below the house of John Freese, of whose honesty the sergeant entertained very strong suspicions.... He had for a long time been observed to watch the sergeant, keeping his eye upon him whenever he went abroad from the garrison ... Of the intentions of Agawamum, the name of this Indian, there was no doubt. It would not do for the sergeant always to be thus harassed. His services were too important to his family and to those around him, to be hindered in this manner. He feared also, lest at some unguarded moment, the Indian might effect the object which he had in view. He had but one course to take. He determined to rid himself of an enemy, by whom he was thus constantly beset. He resolved that he would be troubled by him no longer. There was a deep gully about twenty rods above the house of Samuel Emons, which, at this time, was a great place of resort for beavers. Agawamum was in the habit of going here, very early in the morning, to his traps which were set for the purpose of taking them, carrying with him his gun. The sergeant embraced the opportunity, when he went on his usual excursion, to follow him, though unobserved by the Indian, and when he was stooping down to take a beaver from his trap, fired and killed him dead on the spot. But as it was a time of peace, and therefore he might be subjected to the penalties of the law, before he returned he buried the Indian with his gun at the bottom of the gully. It would not have answered for him to have taken his gun, as that might have been evidence against him. Although this transaction was pretty well understood, Sergeant Larrabee made no disclosure of it until some years after."


Ancient History of Kennebunk, Written in 1831 - Edward E. Bourne

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