Abraham Cox was an African-American sailor, certified in Gloucester, MA, in 1849. He listed himself as being born in Kennebunk in 1796.
The Mystic Seaport database lists Abraham Cox as having been issued Seaman's Protection Certificate #10 in Gloucester, MA in 1849 at age 53. It states his place of birth was Kennebunk, and that his complexion is black.
"In 1850 farmer Robert Freeman (Sr.), with his second wife Lucretia and their children, including son Robert (Jr.), shared a two family home in West Gloucester with Abraham and Joanna Cox and their children. Both families were black. Abraham Cox, mariner, disappears from the records after the birth of his daughter Rhoda Cox in 1855." from Illegimate Births (p. 19)
Also from Illegitmate Births (p. 19): "Gloucester birth: Henrietta Cox, 9/23/1851, d/o Abraham, mariner, born Eng. & Joanna R. Cox, born Scotland; Female Cox, [Rhoda] colored, 1855, d/o Abraham, mariner born Kennebunk, ME, & Joanna born Dunbarton, Scotland"
Mystic Seaport's "Registers of Seamen's Protection Certificates" https://research.mysticseaport.org/databases/protection/
"Illegitimate Births in Gloucester, Ma, 1855 - 1894" - from http://gloucester-ma.gov